Are Fertility Services Covered by Health Insurance?

Nevada Insurance Enrollment Explains The Rise of Fertility Treatments

LAS VEGAS - nvtip -- Fertility treatments have become increasingly common. In fact, according to one study, one in three adults either used fertility treatments or know someone who has. If you are considering infertility services, knowing your options for paying for services can help you make informed decisions.

Does Health Insurance Cover Fertility Services?

In general, health insurance companies cover services that your doctor deems to be medically necessary. If you have an ACA-compliant health insurance policy, then there are 10 essential benefits that your health insurance company is legally required to cover.

While this coverage is fairly robust, it does not cover everything. If you seek treatments that are not considered to be medically necessary, meaning that they are not necessary for your health or evaluating, diagnosing or treating an illness, injury or disease, then you should speak with a health insurance agent that can look into the individual plan benefits thoroughly for you to see what services might be covered. Services that are not usually covered include cosmetic surgery, weight loss programs, adult vision or dental services (you can, however, get coverage for vision/dental separately).

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Where You Live Matters

As of April 2021, the majority of states do not require private health insurance companies to cover fertility services. In California and Texas, health insurance companies have to offer at least one plan that includes this coverage. In 15 states, health insurance companies have to cover at least some fertility services.

While Nevada currently does not require health insurance companies to cover fertility services, it has a benchmark plan that does cover some fertility treatments.​

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Nevada Insurance Enrollment
4260 W. Craig Road suite #150-A
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
(702) 898-0554

Nevada Insurance Enrollment
Shelly Rogers

Source: Nevada Insurance Enrollment

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