Bad Behavior: Drivers Know It's Wrong, But Many Do It Anyway

Nevada Insurance Enrollment Explains It Is Time to Kick Those Bad Driving Habits

LAS VEGAS - nvtip -- If you have been driving for years or even decades, being behind the wheel probably feels as effortless as breathing. While new drivers tend to be more mindful of keeping their eyes and attention on the road and both hands on the steering wheel, seasoned drivers tend to be more relaxed and let a few good habits slide.

Unfortunately, all too often, bad habits can quickly take their place. Some of the most common bad behaviors can jeopardize your safety on the road and may even get you a ticket.

The Top Five Bad Driving Behaviors (And Why It Is Time to Kick Them to the Curb)

-Using Your Cell Phone
Between yelling at your phone's lagging GPS, reading, and answering incoming texts or making a call, chances are that your phone is in your hand for a decent amount of the time you are driving.

Distracted driving is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue, claiming over 3,100 lives in 2019 alone. To combat this, many states are putting laws in place that prohibit drivers from having their phones in their hands when their cars are moving. In Nevada, it is illegal to drive with your phone in your hand. Doing so can earn you a fine of up to $250, even if you do not get into an accident.

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-Wearing Headphones While Driving
Headphones may provide a welcome escape from the world, but their noise-canceling qualities can make them particularly hazardous when you are driving. Wearing headphones may cause you to miss important noises such as emergency vehicle sirens, car horns or railroad-crossing alerts.

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Nevada Insurance Enrollment
4260 W. Craig Road suite #150-A
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
(702) 898-0554

Nevada Insurance Enrollment
Shelly Rogers

Source: Nevada Insurance Enrollment
Filed Under: Insurance

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