What is a Prescription Drug Formulary?

Nevada Insurance Enrollment Explains How Drug Formularies Save Money!

LAS VEGAS - nvtip -- A drug formulary is a list of the prescription drugs that your health insurance company has agreed to cover so that when you fill your prescription, you don't pay the full price of the medication. In most cases, formularies are comprised of drugs that are the safest, most effective, and most affordable.

How Are Drug Formularies Determined?

The medications on your health insurance company's formulary were chosen by a third-party panel of experts known as a pharmacy and therapeutics committee. Pharmacy and therapeutic committees are made up of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. The committee meets regularly to discuss new drugs, safety data, the results of clinical trials, and doctors' recommendations for new drugs that may be added to the formulary. For this reason, the formulary may evolve over time as better drugs hit the market or new safety data comes out.

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The health insurance company determines what these drugs will cost its customers. In most cases, the health insurance company covers a greater portion of the cost of more affordable drugs, such as generics and inexpensive brand name drugs, giving customers an incentive to opt for these over more expensive options.

Read the full article: https://www.nevadainsuranceenrollment.com/health/prescription-drug-formulary/

Learn more: https://www.nevadainsuranceenrollment.com/health-insurance/

Nevada Insurance Enrollment
4260 W. Craig Road suite #150-A
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
(702) 898-0554
Website: NevadaInsuranceEnrollment.com

Nevada Insurance Enrollment
Shelly Rogers

Source: Nevada Insurance Enrollment

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